Friday, July 31, 2009

Slippers, socks, or bare feet which ????

how do you roll at home?

Slippers, socks, or bare feet which ????
winter-SLIPPERS!! really furry ones!!

fall-socks with cute patterns/designs on them!

summer-BARE FEET!!

spring--whatever i feel like wearing! lol
Reply:slippers or socks, which ever I grab first
Reply:bare feet all the way i can't stand to wear shoes
Reply:bare feet
Reply:socks. deffinitely. :)
Reply:bare feet
Reply:Usually slippers these days.
Reply:bare feet, i slip in anything else

stupid hardwood floors!
Reply:sox with grips on the bottom I call em slipper socks
Reply:bare feet!
Reply:bare feet
Reply:Socks when it's cold, bare feet when it's warm.

barefeet-all other seasons
Reply:Mostly socks except maybe when it's really really hot and I want to feel the cool air of the fan blowing on my bare feet.
Reply:barfoot ;-)
Reply:bare feet♥

I even wear them to bed.
Reply:I like bare feet if it's not too cold.
Reply:bare feet, usually.
Reply:Bare feet.
Reply:I walk around in my socks at all times. Hate shoes and slippers.
Reply:socks or bare feet
Reply:bare feet
Reply:slippers! if its cold then heavy socks..bare feet if my feet are sweaty in the summer

( gross i know )
Reply:fresh white socks or barefeet
Reply:mostly socks
Reply:bare feet all the time.
Reply:Bare Feet almost always unless it is super cold then slippers. But preferably bare feet!!!

this day in history

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