Saturday, July 25, 2009

All my attempts 2 stop my 6 yr old Female Dobe from chewing on all our slippers & carpets failed. Help!!!?

My 6 yr old Dobe would have completely destroyed over 15 pairs of slippers, several carpets and over 50 Balls!!! I have always corrected her by talking to her sternly and keeping her in seclusion for some time. Nothing has worked so far and she continues her destructive work. This is especially in the mornings and its so frustrating to see everything in bits and pieces as I wake up and enter the pantry. Any suggestions???

All my attempts 2 stop my 6 yr old Female Dobe from chewing on all our slippers %26amp; carpets failed. Help!!!?
This can be very frustrating but because of the age of your dog chewing should not be an issue. Dobes are high energy dogs and she could need extra exercise and lots of it. If the chewing happens at night crating may be helpfull. While not solving the problem it will prevent night chewing. Getting the pup some bones or hard toys like the nylabones or the Kong, try redirecting the chewing. with the kongs you can put a treat inside and it keeps them busy for along time. I had a lab that liked to dig, I put cyane pepper in his favorite spots and he stopped digging very quickly a little goes a long way with their sensitive noses. By the way time outs don't work on dogs, don't treat her like a child or she wont mind you at all. have you seen the program the dog whisperer he has some insites into how to discipline problem pups.
Reply:i agree shes only a baby and may be bored!! keep things out of reach...and find her a long lasting bone she really likes!!! has she got a akennel outside? this may bernard owner vikkixx
Reply:1. Go to Dog borstal - if that fails, then 2. sell the mut
Reply:Don't leave anything where she can get hold of them, it's your responsibility. She's only a baby!!!!
Reply:Sounds like she's BORED! Get some training and advice from a professional.
Reply:Get her some toys and stuff to do. She could be bored. Maybe enroll in a training class or agility? If you have a Petsmart near by ask to speak with there Trainer and get advice from him/her or if you know some other place that has a trainer near by.
Reply:She is bored.Take her to agility or obedience classes.Dobe's are smart dogs and need to have their minds occupied.

It would also be a good idea to exercise her more.
Reply:large active and intelligent dogs like dobermans collies and Alsatians are working dogs that need a purpose in life if they haven't got one they get into mischief, a bit like children. Chewing and destroying things is a classic sign of boredom. she wants more exercise for a start.find out if there any dog training classes locally and take her along, get some big hard bones from a butcher she will prefer them to slippers and carpets.
Reply:Have you tried bitter apple juice spray? That taste like deterrent for her.
Reply:I agree, she is bored, how much exercise does she get? she needs about 1 and half to 2 hours each day spread over 2-3 walks, you could buy a crate for her to be in at night, get one that is big enough for her to stand up in and just big enough for her to turn around. Am I right, do you shut her in a cupboard at night? in UK a pantry is a food cupboard!

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